Sunday, August 26, 2007

ramadan = al-queda's 'Tet Offensive' in Iraq?

Just throwing this out there for thought. The islamic month of ramadan begins on September 21st this year- 6 days after General Petraeus brings out his report on the continuing and expanding success of the Surge.

The month of ramadan is usually the MOST violent month of the year when it comes to attacks against other peoples, faiths and nations. I won't be surprised if something major happens in Iraq during that period. And that the MSM will be 'programmed to recieve,' if you take my meaning.

Friday, August 24, 2007

'red meat': new Leftist hatemongering code word?

I've been seeing that lately from a number of Leftist posters on various blogs that I read at. Has anyone else seen this in their blog readings?

It sounds very much like a new catch phrase to subltly convict those Right of center. Red meat: what the savages want. What the ignorant want. An indicator that the story and thinking they are objecting to, is somehow racist, sexist, anti-whatever group the Left feels is being attacked.

Neat how they keep playing with words. Just like Big Brother....

Story and comments here, at Captain's Quarters:

Feh. Lots of work to get done today, moving on... too bad others Can't.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Democrat / Democrap / Dhimmicrat Assault on the US

Hillary Clinton's Trojan Horse:

'A little noted story recently from Mrs. Clinton, presidential candidate and front-runner for the Democrat nomination. She was speaking to college students. She promised to create a new layer of government. She promised that if she were elected president, she would create a national academy to train future government workers. "I'm going to be asking a new generation to serve. I think just like our military academies, we need to give a totally all-paid education to young men and women who will serve their country in a public service position." '

I think it is fairly obvious what kind of 'training' Hitlery wants for this entire new layer of government- pure Leftist bullshit will be poured into their skulls. No word of truth, historical, religious or moral, will be allowed to enter their education. Big Brother will be put in place in a Big Way.

Schumer's Assault on the Constitution:

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

I hate to think how many portions of the Bill of Rights, as well as the Constitution, may be brazenly or surreptitiously re-written during the coming Democrat presidency.


There's more, but I want to give a few moments to the good news:

A handfull of Leftists are beginning to see that the Iraq war IS being won:

Of course these two are now under fire from the Leftist blargosphere, as the Left makes any and all efforts to diss the upcoming September report by General Petraeus. But even the USs' first muslim congressman is seeing good coming out of Iraq:

"The success in Ramadi is not just because of bombs and bullets, but because the U.S. and Iraqi military and the Iraqi police are partnering with the tribal leadership and the religious leadership," he said. "So they're not trying to just bomb people into submission. What they're doing is respecting the people, giving the people some control over their own lives."

Ellison said he was particularly impressed watching Maj. Gen. Walter Gaskin, U.S. commander in the Anbar province, greeting people with "as-salama aleikum," meaning peace be upon you.

"And they would respond back with smiles and waves," Ellison said. "I don't want to overplay it. There were no flowers. There was no clapping. There was no parade. But there was a general level of respect and calm that I thought was good."

McNerney, the California congressman, also said he saw signs of progress in Ramadi and was impressed by Petraeus, who argued in favor of giving President Bush's troop surge strategy time to work.

Some are suggesting that the Left is beginning a cynical ploy to take some of the credit for things improving in Iraq, even while many of them are still crowing for defeat.


By the way- Have you noticed? Last year was only the second hottest in ten years, the Hottest year being Ten Years Ago. And the hurricane season was down by 60%. And this year? Looking to be the same. Some are trying to claim that there are less hurricanes because the poles are 'hotter.' Bullshit- Hurricanes are part of the heat-exchange mechanisms of the world's oceans, and the oceans have been Cooling since 2003.

I am betting this year's storms also fall 60% below 2005. Hopefully gores chances to take any office again will be at least 60% lower, also.

That's it for now. Off for a week, come the end of this week. Stay safe from islamofascist terrorism, if you can.